Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am officially a nerd

So over the course of the last few days, I've been called out as a nerd by several different people. My nerdy offenses are as follows:

1. I am listening to the last Harry Potter book, The Deathly Hallows, on book on CD in my car. I tend to get where I'm going and sit in the car for a while to listen to more of it.

My response: It's HARRY POTTER! I'm shocked it's taken me this long to get to it! I mean, does he die? Is Dumbledore still alive? Does he reconcile with Ginny?? So many questions to be answered! And what else am I doing with my day? NOTHING.

2. I interviewed at a PR firm that specializes in 3D gaming, animation and visualization and got SUPER EXCITED.

My response: Come on, people. I would get to go to tradeshows like CES! And Siggraph! And work with editors from VFX World! If that isn't everyone's dream job, I don't know what is. Side note: My friend K just went to CES and stood 10 feet away from Travis Barker and DJAM at a CES party. And got Travis Barker's drumstick. Not so nerdy NOW, is it??

3. I would prefer to see the foreign vampire movie, "Let the Right One In" to Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson's, "Bride Wars."

My response: At this rate I'm closer to becoming a vampire than I am to getting married. Enough said.


Lauren said...

If wanting to see Let The Right One In over Bride Wars makes you a nerd, then sign me up.

Because honestly, what does wanting to see Bride Wars make you?

I don't even want to say...

Emily said...

Um clearly you never attended my Harry Potter book club....some say I was having an affair with him. I will not tell you the end as the "reading rainbow" book reports end..."You'll just have to find out for yourself." I tend to re-read the Harry Potter's before the films come out. I am a HUGE nerd...let's go to Hogwarts my friend.

Anonymous said...

'At this rate I'm closer to becoming a vampire than I am to getting married. Enough said.'

Ha, I loved that.

Jyoders19 said...

I once interviewed Travis Barker. A phone interview when Blink-182 was in Pittsburgh in 2000.

Anonymous said...

Vampires are way cooler than Brides any day.

And Lizzie is way cooler than a nerd!