Monday, October 13, 2008

Drug Problem

So I walked out to my car this morning to find that it had been broken into. I also recently got rear-ended and the f-ers didn't leave a note. But whatever, I open my door and all the crap I keep in my car was thrown about everywhere. I was super confused for a minute taking in all the Vitamin Water bottles, used oil blotting sheets and unpaid parking tickets. But the thing that really got me was that whoever did this lined up all my prescription pill bottles on top of my steering wheel so they were just staring me in the face when I sat down.

Why do you keep prescription pills in your car, you ask? Well, you never know when you might need some anti-nausea medicine. My tooth might get infected and I need some amoxicillin. Maybe I get a debilitating neck cramp and need some muscle relaxers. Or I could just be really bored driving all the way back from Portland and need some Ultram to make things a little more interesting. You never know and, as Justin has warned us all lately, it's best to be prepared.

Bottom line, whoever did this not only violated my personal property, but was TOTALLY judging me and my pill-popping ways in the process. Awesome.


Kath! said...

Oh crap I'm sorry Lez. PS: At least they didn't take your valuable muscle relaxers!!(:

Elissa said...

Miss Lezzie! Miss Lezzie!

btracy said...

Sorry to hear about that. I hate the feeling of getting your stuff stolen. I had my catalytic converter taken from underneath my car a couple weeks ago. The bastards went under my truck and sawed it right out! I bet they would have liked your meds more than my exhaust system.

John said...

Time to get a Hummer with the radioactive, silent sterilizing- ray mechanism. They may steal again, but the bad seed won't be passed along. Nyah, nyah, nyah!!

Maggie May said...

i accidented on your blog and i'm jealous you live in Montana, even though your car got broken into (i'm sorry they judged you for your pill popping, those rats) ;)

C.S. Perry said...

Never be afraid to say Fuckers in your posts.
Writing is about reading and reading is about imagining and suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Did they take anything? You know, like a couple of the parking tickets? Or used Q-Tips or anything like that? Or did you maybe find MORE garbage than you left in there?