Monday, January 26, 2009


So I don't want kids. Have I ever brought this up? I taught swimming lessons for 8 years and studied to be a teacher in college. I have a major in English with minors in Education and Psychology. I was student teaching my senior year and about three weeks before graduation, I walked into my class room and the hate for every one of those kids ran so deep, I turned around, walked out and never looked back.

I thought the hate would go away but it only grew for the next couple years. My sister said she knew it was really serious when I threatened to stick my arm out and clothesline a little girl who was running up and down the aisle of a plane we were on. My anger and general dislike was now bordering on violence...

But last night I went to dinner with the family I used to babysit for in high school. They have three kids: two girls and a boy. And they are the best children known to man. Incredibly intelligent, hilarious, well-rounded, sweet and well behaved. All the time! They are all adorable and talented and a true joy to be around. They respect their parents, get good grades and play every sport you can think of. I think if this family teamed up with my do-gooding sister and her environment-loving boyfriend they could collectively bring about world peace. While I watched from the couch with a glass of wine...

So thank you, Lances, for renewing my hope that I won't want to give away my own children as soon as they've left the womb. But, be warned: I'm still not having more than one...


Anonymous said...

Yes. Kids are overrated. But you can always make them do chores and stuff.

Kath! said...

and you can make them take care of you when you're old. that's my plan(:

Anonymous said...

Oh Lizzie, you made me cry. You are so sweet! We had so much fun on Sunday. It is so nice to have you back in town. You need to know that ALL of my kids love you so much and we couldn't pick a better role model. What would Kathleen have done last week if she couldn't talk to you about "boy" issues. We clearly weren't doing a very good job. See, you would be a great mom. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Personally, when I see other kids acting up, I always think "well my kids wouldn't be like that, they'll be different" -- LOL!

It's nice to know that some children are still respectable little people and are able to restore your faith in kids.

Brittany said...

I have almost 3, and I still can barely stand other people's kids. Luckily, you end up loving your own WAAAAAY more than you love other peoples.

EP said...

I was a camp counselor for four years. I decided then and there I would never have a litter of children.

I'm happy you know this family. I need one like that in my life to give me a little hope that my children won't be awful!

Anonymous said...

I miss the blog!!!


Andhari said...

Well I guess if all kids are like that, I wont hate them too.

But you know what they say, it will be different when you have your own kid. Hope?:)

Anonymous said...

It's not the kids. It's their shitty parents. But generally speaking, seeing most of them, I have no desire to join their ranks.