Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

It has been requested that I write a blog post that DOESN'T depress people. Whhhaaaattttt? What with divorce, job searching, health issues, and an impending move in negative 25 degree weather, it's almost impossible. But I do have one constant in my life that always brings me joy... Jackson. He has had quite a time playing in all the snow we currently have, so watch and enjoy:


Elissa said...

You can all thank me...

OhMyHeart said...

ohhhh I can't wait to get a dog. Must..make...myself...wait...until..I own place!

Kath! said...

Oh Jackypoo. Can't wait to see you guys. Travel safely!

Anonymous said...

OMG your dog is adorable and his panting... so cute!