Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Job Hunting

So it can be hard looking for a job. I've never really had to look for a job - they've always kind of fell in my lap. Spoiled much? Maybe. But not anymore. Now I have joined the ranks of the "actively" job searching. And it's fascinating.

I'm 28 and having to consider moving back in with my parents, which makes you really re-think your life. Am I really thinking about moving back in with my parents the same time my 21 year old brother is dropping out of school and moving home? Not okay. So that makes you think about options you never would have considered before.

The awesome thing is I have amazing friends who have offered rooms for me to stay in after my inevitable move back to Portland. But that's almost worse. I am a very experienced and marketable PR professional. And I'm considering living in in E's spare room? It's mildly tempting because I love her and it would be a throw back to the sorority and I could go back to the days of making her uncomfortable by walking naked in front of her and rubbing my boobs on her (see Hooters Is Awesome). But really, is that what I want?

Bottom line is I don't know what I want. Well, really I do: I want to move to Mexico, do marketing for a large hotel, get super skinny and tan and drink tequila and eat guacamole all day, every day.

But that's not likely to happen, is it?


JUST ME said...

Moving back in with the parents is what all the cool kids are doing these days.

No shame. No shame.

Anonymous said...

There is no shame in it. Many people have to do it.

That being said, I'm sorry you're in that boat. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think drinking tequila and eating guacamole all day will get you skinny and tan.
We are waiting here with open arms and an empty upstairs, although you might cramp our new footlosse life style. You and Jackson can have a whole floor to yourself.

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

sounds completely feasible to me..
but dude! do not move home....not a good move. i mean unless its that or homelessness...

Shauna Summers said...

Living at home is awesome. Think about it--a mom to order you pizza when you are hungover. There are worse things...

I'm looking for a roommate :)

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

"walking naked in front of her and rubbing my boobs on her"...

even if I had been on the fence about this idea, I'm pretty much all for it now.


Emily said...

Well we do have connections in Mexico....his name is Ian Pickett...
I am sure I can put in a good word;-)