Hooters just opened in Missoula and, like when any new restaurant opens in Missoula, people FREAKED OUT. It's packed all the time and you see guys running around in Hooters shirts all
over town. So last night, Paige, Justin, Ken and I decide to go check it out. Now, many people - namely large-chested women - find Hooters to be offensive and say it objectifies women. I say that's nonsense. I occasionally get caught in that "OMG I was awkwardly staring at your boobs for too long. Sorrrrryyyy" moment and Hooters completely eliminates that moment. You're SUPPOSED to awkwardly stare. It truly combines everything I love: boobs, shiny nylons that hide cellulite, all kinds of fried food, synchronized dancing and singing, hula-hooping, white scrunch socks and booze. What's NOT to love here?!?

So, other than mild disappoinment over the fact that not all the girls had big boobs (Ken reminded me to look at the pool they're pulling from. "We're not in LA, Reno or Vegas, Lizzie.") last night was just pretty awesome. I was dancing along to the YMCA dance, I ate some fried pickles (meh), had two Bud Light Big Daddies and beat the Hooters girl at Hula-Hooping. Apparently, all the Hooters in Portland have closed. I might never come home.